Renaissance-Now is a movement commissioned by Holy Spirit to release and empower a spiritual rebirth of the culture around us. Our primary and present assignment is to build a Bridal Army whose mandate is to bring awakening to New England.
As revivalists, we will appear revolutionary as we seek to unite, inspire and evangelize. God is uniting our hearts with a fire for unity, as we break down walls of division. No more distinctions. We are AS ONE!
Our Creator has equipped us, and with Jesus as the head of the Army, and the fire of the Holy Spirit empowering us, we cannot fail.
Come on church, let’s do this together!
Jericho Worship Gatherings
As Spirit-filled believers enter into the presence of God, Holy Spirit manifests by bringing vision and waves of glory. Hearts swell with His love as we all experience the wellness of God in His Beauty and Majesty. A taste of Heaven.
Our gatherings are charged with a prophetic atmosphere as we learn to see each other through our Lord’s Eyes. Because Holy Spirit fills us and leads us, we experience a growing into Sonship. In this environment, we learn to see ourselves as gifted and activated into our callings.
AS ONE (intercessory prayer)
When Holy Spirit empowers you with revelation, your prayers are flowing from your spirit through your mouth with expressions from Heaven far beyond our natural comprehension.